My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style.
Maya Angelou

Hello, I´m Daniela Amberg
I am a life and break-up recovery coach with a background in bodywork and emotional release work. I am on a heart-driven mission to support sensitive, open-minded and heart-centered women to heal from a break-up, let go of their ex and create a new exciting chapter in their life. PLEASE VISIT THE GERMAN VERSION OF THIS SITE AS THE ENGLISH SITE IS NOT UP TO DATE. THANKS.
My journey
At the beginning of 2016 I found myself in a dead end situation with a man I was deeply in love with. There was no healthy perspective and when my pain over the situation reached a peak, I decided to leave and never go back. This was one of the most difficult decisions in my life so far and it required all my strength and a firm belief in a universe or higher intelligence that always moves us towards healing and growth. I spent many weeks crying over the loss of this person and over the dream I had created that didn´t come true. I felt extremely raw and vulnerable however, I managed to be with my feelings, and to hold and love me through my pain. Being in such deep pain made it impossible to hold on to anything that was not authentically me and so I organically started a cleansing process on a physical, emotional and mind level. I was able to build new connections with wonderful women on a deeper level while some older connections fell away. The cleaner I became, the better the connection to my inner voice, my inner wisdom got, the more I had faith in this journey of healing, growth and expansion. I was deeply committed to turning one of the most painful experiences in my life into something life changing. It was the level of self-love combined with a very strong vision of who I wanted to be and the life I wanted to live that got me to the other side.
I was also looking for alternative ways to make my work life even more fulfilling. Through a wonderful coincidence, I learned about the Beautiful You Coaching Academy and I decided to become a life coach with them and help other women to heal their heart and create a life they love. See my coach certficate of the Beautiful You Coaching Academy here.
My mission
I am committed to create a safe space for a beautiful soul like yourself to move from heartbreak to heartbliss and to use this transitional period to create a life where you are happy and flourishing. PLEASE VISIT THE GERMAN VERSION OF THIS SITE AS THE ENGLISH SITE IS NOT UP TO DATE. THANKS.
I am here to support you navigate the feelings that come with a break-up in a creative way and connect with your strength, resilience, worthiness, wisdom and the vision you have for yourself and your life.
I stand with you in letting go what no longer serves you and creating a yummy self-care practice and a beautiful, supportive relationship with yourself, which I believe to be the foundation for everything else you have in your life.
Are you ready to go from heartbreak to heartbliss and create a life you love?
- Schedule a complimentary consult to work 1:1 with me through my private coaching programme(s): daniela(dot)amberg(at)gmx(dot)de
- Get access to my For You library with free resources
- And above all: love yourself like your life depends on it because it does!
I believe that
Everything happens for a reason and that it serves us.
People come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. People come and people go. Some are lessons, some are blessings. Some are blessings in disguise.
When we are feeling let down, rejected, taken advantage of, and betrayed by life it´s hard to spot hope in the wreckage but it is always there.
A broken heart is an open heart and a catalyst for positive change.
Loving ourselves creates loving connections with others.
Life is primarily an "inside job". As we do the inner work of transformation, our life on the outside changes.
Good self-worth enables us to make healthy choices in every area of our lives (and when we are starved for love, we make the worst decisions for ourselves).
Our biography is not our destination.
Everything starts with a decision and sometimes a decision is all we have to start with.
The world needs us women healed and whole to make the best possible contribution in our society.
Life is wonderful. We can make it so.
Kind Words
Daniela’s warmth and enthusiasm is immediate and it was clear from the start that she was completely committed to helping me move forward. I felt heard (for the first time in a long time) and that I am in a safe space where I can be open and honest and explore aspects of myself I haven’t before. In the safe and supported place Daniela created I could talk freely and connect the dots and see what REALLY needs looked at to make my goals and wants a reality. I was incredibly inspired by how natural coaching is to her and how her passion and genuine desire to help me on my journey always shone through. At the end of our 3-months coaching series I feel positive, uplifted and forward moving. I´m happier with just being myself, with the good and not so good. I´m clearer on how I work and I can say now: it´s good to be me! My approach to life has also changed and I feel that the big goal I want to achieve: I can do it, I can have it. I´ve learnt how to break it down into easier and more manageable chunks and always keep the journey interesting and enjoyable. I´ve also learnt that the simple actions are often those that have the biggest impact.
I feel empowered, more joyful, authentic and excited!
Katherine M., 41 - Scotland

More about me
I have a natural passion for life, growth and expansion. Ever since I spent a couple of weeks in Esalen in 2003 and came in touch with the human potential movement, I´ve been transforming my life through deep inner work on a body, mind and soul level. The journey always continues, I am a lifelong student. PLEASE VISIT THE GERMAN VERSION OF THIS SITE AS THE ENGLISH SITE IS NOT UP TO DATE. THANKS.
I worked 10 years with Californian massage (derived from the Esalen massage) and other Esalen-related types of bodywork in a private practice and at a spa.
I am a yoga lover. Yin yoga and kundalini yoga are currently my favourites. I have a non-negotiable morning practice and never start my workday without doing some meditation and a yoga sequence.
I am a painter and art lover. I need to express myself on the canvas to feel whole. I have been most inspired by the work of Eric Fischl and Edward Hopper.
I have a passion for travelling and languages. I speak English, Spanish, Italian, French and German. I have lived, loved and worked in Chile, Spain and Italy. I also have a master in Business Administration.
I am a nature girl. My highly sensitive nervous system needs delicious walks in the forest, countryside or by the sea in order to calm down from work and city life.
I have a passionate love affair with yummy, plant-based, home-made food.